Διευθύντρια Π.Μ.Σ. "Επιστήμη Οίνου και Ζύθου", Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια
210 538 5550
Efthalia Dourtoglou is Associate Professor at the Department of Wine, Vine & Beverage Sciences of the University of West Attica and is the Director of the Postgraduate Course of the Department.
She holds a Degree in Chemistry, with specialization in Organic and Structural Chemistry (Maitrise de Chimie Organique et Structurale), from the University of Nancy (France) and was awarded a PhD on the subject: “Development of the methodology for ester bond formation with enzymes” (Department of Chemistry, University of Patras). She has extensive experience in the food industry, which includes employment in the chemical industry (VIORYL S.A.) as Head of the Department of Composition and Applications of Food and Beverage Flavorings. She was involved in the study of organic compounds used for the synthesis of flavors added to foods and beverages and the bioorganic processes that affect their aromatic character. She has participated in many research projects, has publications in international scientific journals and conference papers. She has also participated in the creation of Open Academic Courses and has been member of the academic staff of the Postgraduate Programs of the Department since its inception.
Research interests: synthesis of flavors, study of aromatic compounds of wine and beverages and processes affecting their aromatic character, isolation techniques, identification and quantification of aromatic compounds.