Course Tutors
Course Code: 8.1
Semester: 8th
Category: Compulsory
Hours: 3h Th
ECTS : 5
The aim of the course is for students:
- Understand the biochemical pathways for the creation of the characteristic aromatic compounds of wine and their biotransformations.
- Become familiar with the large groups of aromatic compounds, such as linear aromatic compounds, terpenes, nitrogenous compounds, volatile sulfur compounds and know their role in the overall aroma and taste of wine.
- Understand their evolution during the vinification and maturation of wine.
- To distinguish defective odours in wine and identify their possible origin in order to continuously improve production
General skills
- Search, analyze and synthesize data and information, using the necessary technologies
- Adaptation to new situations and decision making
- Autonomous work and/or Teamwork
- Generation of new research ideas
Theoretical Part
- Aroma and taste in wine
- Precursors of the aroma of wines – Basic biochemical pathways for the production of the main primary aromatic compounds.
- Alcohols and other volatile compounds (esters, lactones, aldehydes, ketones, acetals)
- Phenolic compounds (volatile phenols, phenolic acids and derivatives)
- Sulfur- containing compounds
- Varietal aromas of wines (terpenes, methoxy pyrazines, volatile thiols)
- Origin and consequences of basic organoleptic defects
- Oxidation of wines
- Reductive wine faults
- Bacterial contamination
- Spoilage of wines, defective odors due to cork.
- Organoleptic defects resulting from rotting in grapes
- Maturation of wines in barrel – Oak wood, extraction of characteristic aromatic compounds.
- Techniques for the isolation and analysis of aromatic compounds in wine.
Greek bibliography
- Τσακίρης, Α., “Οινολογία: “Από το σταφύλι στο κρασί”, Ψύχαλου (2000).
- Σουφλερός, Ι., “Οινολογία: “Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία”, Σουφλερός (2000).
- Κουράκου – Δραγώνα, Σ., “Θέματα Οινολογίας”, Τροχαλία (1998).
- H. –D. Belitz, W. Grosch, P. Schieberle, “Χημεία Τροφίμων”, Εκδ. Τζίολα (2006).
Foreign bibliography
- Margalit, Y., “Concepts in Wine Chemistry”, The Wine Appreciation Guild, San Francisco (2004).
- Schreier, P., “Chromatographic Studies of Biogenesis of Plant Volatiles”, Hüthig, Heidelberg (1984).
- Jackson, Ron S, “Wine Science: Principles and Applications”, Academic Press (1994).
- Victoria Moreno-Arribas, M. Carmen Polo, “Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry” Springer (2009).
- Ribéreau-Gayon, Y. Glories, A. Maujean, D. Dubourdieu, “Handbook of Enology Volume 2, The Chemistry of Wine Stabilization and Treatments”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons (2006).
- Ronald J. Clarke, Jokie Bakker, “Wine Flavour Chemistry”, Blackwell Publishing (2004).