Bartzis Vasileios

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Collaborating Teaching Staff

Vasileios Bartzis has a BSc in Physics ( Physics Department of Patras University, 1986) ans PhD in Quantum Optics ( Physics Department of Patras University, 1990)
He has more than 28 years teaching experience in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the area of Physics, Physical Chemistry, Fluid Mechanics, Optics and Quantum Optics. His research interests focus on: Quantum Optics, Desalination, water purification, Fluid mechanics.

Representative publications:

  • Bartzis“Intensity Dependent, Two-Photon Jaynes-Cummings Model”Physica A
    166 (1990), 347
  • Bartzis“Generalized Jaynes-Cummings Model with Atomic Motion”.Physica A
      180 (1992), 428
  • Bartzis“Off-Resonance Two-Mode Squeezed States”.Quantum Opt. 2 (1990), 97
  • Nayak and V. Bartzis“Quantum Electrodynamics of a Three-level and a Two-level
    Rydberg Atom in a Bimodal Ideal Cavity”Phys. Rev. A 42 (1990), 2953
  • Bartzis and N. Nayak“Two-Photon Jaynes-Cummings Model”J. Opt. Soc, Am B 8
       (1991), 1779
  • Bartzis,I.E. Sarris “A theoretical model for salt ion drift due to electric field suitable to sea water desalination, Desalination 473,(2020),114163
  • Bartzis, I. Sarris,” Electric field distribution and diffuse layer thickness study due
          to salt ion movement in water desalination” Desalination 490,(2020),114549
  • V.Bartzis, N. Merlemis, M. Serris and G. Ninos
     “Generalized intensitydependent  multiphoton Jaynes – Cummings model” έγινε δεκτό για δημοσίευση στο Springer volume entitled “Aproximation and computation in Science and Engineering”

  •  V.Bartzis , I. Strati, I. E. Sarris ,T.Tsiaka, A. Batrinou, S. Konteles and V. Sinanoglou “Application of Electric Field Force for the Accumulation of Anthocyanins from Winery Wastewater” Water, 15(2023), 2450

  • G.Ninos , V. Bartzis , N. Merlemis  , I. E. Sarris
    “ Uncertainty quantification implementations in human hemodynamic flows”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 203(2021),106021

  • V.Bartzis and I. E. Sarris
    “ Time Evolution Study of the Electric Field Distribution and Charge Density Due to Ion Movement in SaltyWater”, Water 13(2021), 2185
  • V.Bartzis , G. Ninos and I.Sarris “Water Purification from Heavy Metals Due to Electric Field Ion Drift”, Water 14(2022), 2372
  • V.Bartzis , A. Batrinou , I.Sarris , S.Konteles , I. Strati and D.Houhoula, “Electric Field Induced Drift of Bacterial Protein Toxins of Foodborne Pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli from Water”, Appl. Sci. 12(2022), 12739


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